Tyler Allen Gainesville FL


An alumnus of Santa Fe College in Gainesville, FL, with an AA and an AS in computer programming, Tyler Allen is a dean’s list student at the University of Florida (UF). Tyler Allen anticipates receiving his BS in computer science from the Gainesville-based institution in 2021.

Mr. Allen functions as a research assistant at both Santa Fe College and UF. His research efforts involve the utilization of diverse programming knowledge as a means of creating educational software and hardware applications, including 3D models, to facilitate student interest in academic settings.

Mr. Allen’s interest in computer science is not merely academic; a video game enthusiast, he enjoys designing games in addition to playing them, and he has drawn on this experience to create an alternate reality application for Android via C# and Unity’s AR Foundation framework in his work as a research assistant at UF. When he is not focused on his studies or research activities, his personal interests range from camping to live theater.
